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Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

I have an office in Richardson at Richland Oaks Counseling Center where I meet with clients for in-person sessions:

1221 Abrams Rd., Richardson, TX 75081

I also work with clients online from anywhere in Texas.


Do you only work with individuals?

I work with individuals and couples, and occasionally, I will offer group sessions geared around a certain topic.

What age ranges are your clients?

I work with adults ages 18 and up. 

What can I expect in our time together?

Individual sessions will be 50-55 minutes. Our first sessions will revolve around getting to know each other. We will review basic paperwork, any questions you have, and then begin to build a plan to flesh out your goals for counseling. Our further sessions will continue to develop a plan for treatment and a secure base for our relationship and a specific treatment plan with goals to check progress.

Couples sessions will be 80 minutes. I follow the Gottman method for couples therapy which guides our sessions especially in the beginning. We meet together for our first session, then I’ll meet each of you individually, and then come back together for a forth session to discuss the assessment and treatment goals. Further sessions will include various interventions and focus on improving both strong and weak areas.

How much does each session cost?

My current rate per session is $120-180 for individuals (55 minute session) and $180-250 for couples (80 minute session)

How long will I need to attend counseling?

The length of counseling can vary depending on the individual and their specific needs. Some people may only need a few sessions to address a particular concern or issue, while others may benefit from longer-term counseling to work through deeper, more complex issues. Short-term counseling can last 6-12 sessions, while longer-term counseling may continue for several months or even years.

What is your cancellation policy?

I ask you to cancel 24 hours before our scheduled session. Cancellations without a 24-hour notice will result in the client being charged for the missed session.

Do you accept insurance?

As an LPC Associate, I’m unable to be paneled with insurance companies. I take private pay only. I can be considered an Out of Network provider and can provide a superbill which you may then submit to your insurance for reimbursement. We will discuss and agree if this is the best option. You should contact your insurance and ask what your Out of Network benefits include and how to access them.

Are you a Christian?

Yes, I am a professing Christian and I work with people of all faith traditions. I believe that I have a skill set that is helpful for many people regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey. I seek to provide a setting that is open to all backgrounds and beliefs in a manner that shows Compelling Love to all people. My services are inclusive of any spiritual practice.

What are your qualifications?

MA: Master of Arts degree in Biblical Counseling from Dallas Theological Seminary (Honors, 2021)
LPC Associate: Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (Texas Lic 87542)
Supervised by Mitchell Isle, LPC-S

As an Associate, I am under supervision, which requires 4 hours per month meeting with my supervisor and 1500 hours with clients in session. I am nearly 2/3rds complete as of March 2024.

What's something interesting about you?

I grew up in Montana and graduated with a class of 17. I married a Canadian. We’ve lived in Canada, Montana, Honduras and Texas.